Our Dining Collections consist of hardwoods and are built to withstand years of use. Many of these sets are available to ship within a month. On this page we feature our most popular sets but for the entire product line and new additions yet to be added here visit www.coasttocoastaccents.com or www.modusfurniture.com

Solid Live Edge Walnut Sofa Table w/Metal Leg Avail. in Any Size!
8' ft (96") x ~14-24" W* On Sale $1699
As Shown 10' ft ~24-30" W* On Sale $2399
Shown w/Benchcraft Mtn. Modern Counter High Chairs $139 ea
Also Avail. in Wormy Maple
- Custom Sizes and Epoxy Colors Available - Select Slabs in stock today
Solid Live Edge Walnut Slatted Table w/Wood Leg Avail. in Any Size!
As Shown 7' ft (84") x ~40"W* On Sale $2999
Shown w/Black Leather Modern Chairs $379 ea
Also Avail. in Wormy Maple
- Custom Sizes and Epoxy Colors Available - Select Slabs in stock today
Solid Live Edge Walnut w/Glass Middle Metal Leg Trestle Table Avail. in Any Size!
As Shown 8' ft (96") x ~46-50"W* On Sale $5499
Matching Live Edge Walnut 84" Bench (not shown) $1699
Shown w/Coaster Mtn. Modern Chairs $369 ea
Add $500 to go up to 9'
Also Avail. in Wormy Maple with Glass for $4499 Avail. in Walnut without glass as well
- In stock today for $3499 for a 7 Foot Slatted,
$5999 8 foot Bookmatch or $6499 9 Foot Bookmatch
- Custom Sizes and Epoxy Colors Available - On Display and In Stock Today
Solid Live Edge Maple Bookmatch Slab Metal Leg or Wood Trestle Table Avail. in Any Size!
As Shown 9' ft (108") x ~44-48"W* On Sale $4999
In Stock Today in 6 foot slatted for $2899 8 Foot for $4499, 9 Foot. for $4999, or 10 Foot for $5599
Also avail in an 8 Foot with Glass in the middle for $4799
7 Footer avail. to order ETA 2 mos for $3999
Matching Live Edge Maple 104" Bench (not shown) $1799
Shown w/High Back Distressed Microsuede Chairs $399 ea
10' Custom Order Maple Table avail. for $5999
Avail. in Walnut as well- In stock today for $5999 8 foot or $6499 9 Foot
80"l x 40" w x 32" h Was
107852 Dining Chairs Was
On Display and In Stock Today

Old Mercantile Lexington Dining
up to 80" (or as small as 65") Table 80" x 45" x 30" H*

84" l Dining Bench Was

84" l Dining Bench Was
Custom Live Edge Maple or Sycamore Slabs - Approx 40" w $1399 Top Only
$2299 w/Premium Metal Base Legs

Cocktail Table $769 35-47" Round or Oval x 17" h*